Written by Eugene Farrell
Eugene is a highly respected expert in psychological health and wellbeing management.
Have you found yourself getting anxious and frustrated when you’ve been stuck in traffic or in a queue? Or have you been in a difficult meeting, where you’ve felt your shoulders tense and your heart pound, with your mind flooding with negative thoughts and emotions?
In our busy world, it’s easy to get caught up feeling stressed and anxious over everyday things. We find ourselves getting swept along from one thing to the next without having chance to think, and our immediate reactions can easily get the better of us. Mindfulness gives us a much-needed pause button.
By pressing pause in the moment that we start to feel angry and frustrated, we can change how we view the situation, and then have more control over our reactions.
The beauty of mindfulness is that you can do it anywhere, at any time – whether you’re in the car, having a shower, or taking a walk. As long as you do it with intention, and really focus on being in the moment and noticing the world around you, you’ll notice that you begin to appreciate what you are experiencing while you experience it.
In this guide, our psychological health expert, Eugene Farrell, tells us how to walk mindfully. Don’t forget, you can be mindful anywhere, this is just one of the ways you can give it a go.