Written by Eugene Farrell
Eugene is a highly respected expert in psychological health and wellbeing management.
When was the last time you really took a moment to focus on yourself and make the world around you stop? In this 24/7 world we live in, we’ve gotten pretty good at operating on auto-pilot. We can go about our days showering, eating and even driving without really thinking about what we’re doing or noticing the little things around us, which is pretty clever – but, is it healthy?
When we’re operating in an automatic way, our minds are free to wander and think about other things, such as worries about the past and the future, whilst ignoring what is happening in the present. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, which can make coping with everyday life a little tricky.
How do we fix that? The solution is to take time each day – say 10 minutes during your commute or with breakfast – to focus on your breathing. This will allow you to calm your mind and body from the daily grind, clearing your head to think differently.
Being mindful is one of the most ancient practices around the world and is practiced by Buddhist monks. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it the perfect antidote to the demands of 21st century life. Some small steps in the right direction could be a step change in your life.