We’re living in a world of opportunity as we’re more globally mobile than ever before. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge and moving abroad, or you’re settling in some place new, our World of Wellbeing hub is full of helpful information from expert expats who understand the challenges and excitement you’ll be facing. Take a look around and see how they can help.
Doing Business Abroad
To mark International HR Day, we spoke to our Chief People Officer Sam O’Donovan to get her take on what a typical day looks like in the life of a HR professional, what she finds most rewarding and challenging about the career, and her words of wisdom for her peers in HR.
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A healthy benefits package can not only entice employees to take up international assignments, but can leave the employee feeling supported and more confident in their new role and surroundings.
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Learn about seven of the best countries to start a business with this guide. We've identified countries with a good quality of life, skilled workforce and more.
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A new era of working is here. And it’s one that stretches beyond the limits of traditional office spaces and opens up, quite literally, a world of opportunity for today’s workforce.
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If you’re thinking about embracing digital nomadism as a benefit for your employees, or maybe you’ve already taken the leap, it’s important to make sure that your policy is underpinned by a robust support framework.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
What exactly is a virtual doctor? And how does a virtual consultation work? Take a look at the future of visits to the doctor.
Read moreEmotional wellbeing
Insights into how communities, workplaces and individuals can tackle mind-health issues in the wake of COVID-19.
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Social media can be a lifeline for some young people – a means to connect, to identify and to find similarities with their peers. But growing up in an era of rapid digital evolution doesn’t come without its challenges, for children and parents alike.
Read moreExpat lifestyle
Find out how to beat the six-month slump of homesickness while working abroad.
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We asked 11,000 expats across 11 countries about the top concerns affecting their mental health. Read the main takeaways from AXA's Mind Health study here.
Read moreDoing Business Abroad
When we think about striking a good work-life balance, our first thought might be to minimize the number of hours overtime we work. However, in the case of an expat employee, the length of the working day is not the be-all and end-all. This article talks about how living as an expat can lead to a better work-life balance.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Health checks are designed to assess the risk of potential medical conditions that we could develop, and spot any warning signs that we might not have noticed ourselves.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
Embark on your journey to parenthood if France with our comprehensive guide. Explore prenatal car, birthing options, and cultural nuances seamlessly.
Read moreEmotional wellbeing
Understand the physical, mental & behavioural effects of stress with this guide by AXA – Global Healthcare. Knowing the symptoms will help you address underlying issues.
Read moreEmotional wellbeing
Are we becoming more depressed? Are the pressures of modern life causing us more anxiety? And what can we do to improve global mental health?
Read moreExpat lifestyle
Whether you’re planning to stay away for good or just escaping the British winter, getting your finances in order is key to a successful start in a new country.
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Whether you’ve already retired or you’re considering a retirement abroad, this guide to our top 10 retirement destinations could help you decide where you’d like to start your new adventure.
Read moreDoing Business Abroad
Read our research on the impacts working abroad has on your workforce including their mental health.
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We’ve explored some of the risks of 24/7 connectivity and looked at how parents can instil resilience in their children to help them cope with the stresses of life in this digital era.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
What are some of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions globally and why can they be hard to spot? Find out in this misdiagnosis series, written in collaboration with Dr Panuschka from Advance Medical.
Read moreEmotional wellbeing
Read about the impact of social media on young people. We explore the positive and negative effects it can have on their mental health and what can be done.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
In this guide, we look at prenatal care and birth options in Italy, as well as some local traditions and ways of life when it comes to pregnancy.
Read moreEmotional wellbeing
How you can protect your employees’ mental health when they’re working internationally, and the signs that show they may need support.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Find out the conditions affecting men that can be monitored, managed, treated and even avoided by visiting a doctor and making some lifestyle changes.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
If you’re heading to Hong Kong to live, you’ll want to make sure you understand the health system – and that’s what this guide is all about.
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Whether you’re planning to live or work abroad or you’re just settling in to your new life, you’ll have plenty of things to think about. And probably the last thing on your mind is what to do, or how much it’ll cost, if you fall ill or have an accident in your new country.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Join us as we look at how moving to another country could, indeed, make you happier.
Read moreExpat lifestyle
We explore how to keep in touch with family and loved ones you leave behind.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Apart from prescriptions, optical services and dental care, the NHS is free for all UK residents. If you’re not a UK resident however, accessing healthcare in the UK can be a bit more complicated –but don’t worry, this guide will explain how it all works.
Read moreExpat lifestyle
Find out how Christmas is celebrated differently around the world. This festive season, we’re taking a look at some of the different celebrations around the world.
Read moreDoing Business Abroad
Our research on HR decision-makers' attitudes towards international working has highlighted that assignees’ lifestyle ambitions are an increasingly popular reason for sending employees abroad.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
We’ve taken a look at the costs of some more commonly needed medical treatments to show you just how much these costs can vary around the world.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
Learn about the health system in China when it comes to pregnancy with this guide on hospitals, treatment and antenatal care.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
Are you having a baby in Hong Kong? Read this guide to find out what to expect from the local health system.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
Learn about pregnancy and giving birth in Kenya with this guide and find info on antenatal care, private vs public hospitals and more.
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From hospitals and services to costs and cultural quirks, this guide to having a baby in Singapore will help get you ready.
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Learn about pregnancy, maternity care and giving birth in Sweden.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
In this guide we take a look at birth and prenatal care in public, premium and private hospitals in Thailand.
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If you’re thinking of heading to Canada to live or to work, it’s important to know how to get medical care if you need it.
Read moreExpat lifestyle
We explore the attributes adult third culture kids bring to the global economy.
Read moreEmotional wellbeing
There are many benefits to speaking with your manager about your mental health when working internationally. Read on to find out how you can start the conversation.
Read morePregnancy and giving birth
Read this guide for information on the health system in the UAE when it comes to pregnancy, so you know what to expect if you’re expecting.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
The healthcare system in New Zealand relies on a mixture of public and private care. Read this guide to find out more about how it works.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
If you’re heading to Australia, read this guide to find out how the ‘Medicare’ scheme works, and how the government encourages taking out private medical insurance before the age of 30.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Learn how to support men to better manage their mental health with this handy guide from AXA Global Healthcare.
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High blood pressure – or hypertension as doctors often refer to it – is a very common medical condition which can often go undiagnosed. Globally, it’s the leading known cause of premature death through stroke, heart disease and chronic kidney disease.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Is it possible to settle abroad with travel insurance? Discover travel insurance's limitations and find out why you need proper International Private Medical Insurance.
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Adjusting to life abroad can be difficult at the best of times, but if you fall ill, it can be even harder– especially if you find yourself in a medical emergency.
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How has the world changed for international workers? Read about the shift in expat worker demographics and how businesses can adapt to attract and keep hold of world-class talent.
Read moreGlobal access to healthcare
Introducing AXA Next – the team who are working around the world to keep an eye on emerging health innovations, and helping them to come to life.
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