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Everything you need as a member

Wherever you are in the world, we're by your side

In our members' area, you'll find all the information you need about your international health insurance.

We want to make managing your health plan simple, without too much paperwork or unnecessary delays. That’s why you should register for your online account, available anytime, day or night.

With all of our health plans, you have access to your own online account - a simple, secure way to manage your policy, make claims and stay in touch.

Account notice: Please read

If you use a email address to access your online account, we have identified that some of our automated notification emails have not reached you. These emails notify you of when your claims have been assessed and to log in and view the details in your benefit statements.

There is no impact or delay to the assessment or settlement of any claims that you may have in progress, and you can still access your documentation online.

We apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused you and can confirm the technical issue causing this has been fixed and there is no action for you to take.  
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Log in or register to access your online account

Registering is easy - you'll just need your policy number, email address and customer number which will be in the format of either 1234567 or INTL7654321.

Manage your plan, make a claim, or ask us a question quickly and securely.

Please make sure you enter a customer number matching one of the example formats below.

Helping you to manage your membership

Your online account is the easiest way to:

  • Remind yourself about the conditions and treatments covered in your membership handbook
  • Set up electronic payments for eligible claims to get paid faster, directly into your bank account
  • Update your contact details so that we can pay your claims, making life easier
  • Submit your claim invoices and view your benefit statements
  • Ask our friendly advisers a question whenever you need us, wherever you are
  • Search our global network of registered hospitals and medical practitioners
  • Download your digital membership card to keep with you, just in case you ever need it 
  • Look at your policy documents to see what is covered under your policy and the services available to you