Man looking at his phone

Help for better mental health

Mind Health service

Whatever it is that your clients are facing, with access to the Mind Health service1, the professionals are ready to give tools and guidance to help them work through their mental health struggles, getting them back on top and in control.

Understanding the service

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Support from qualified psychologists for a range of mental health concerns by phone or video call.2

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Appointments at time that suits and in a setting of their choice.

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Potential reduction of outpatient mental health claims with no impact on allowances or excess payments.  


Mind Health guide

Mind health guide cover

Designed especially for those selling health insurance, this guide will explain how the Mind Health service works, and the benefits for both individual and business customers.

Supporting their business

In our 2020 research, 50% of employees surveyed felt their employer would only offer mind health support in response to a crisis or significant event3. With our Mind Health service, employees are free to access real support whenever they feel they need it. 

The Mind Health service supports your clients’ most valuable assets – their people. Here’s a few more ways it could benefit your clients’ business:

  • Mind Health consultations aren’t claims – they don’t impact the claims spend or renewal premiums. 
  • There’s an efficient referral to assessment timeframe, so the employee won’t be left waiting. 
  • Customers can either self-refer or be referred by a doctor4.
  • Providing access to the service shows genuine motivation to provide employees with innovative support for their wellbeing and mental health as a key ethos.
  • Employees can get support through the Virtual Care from AXA app or portal, via their smartphone, tablet, or PC – whether they’re at home, or on the go.

Mind Health psychologist appointments are available in English or Spanish between Monday and Friday, 9am - 5:30pm (UK time). Appointments for members calling from the UAE are available in English, French or Arabic between Saturday and Thursday, 9am - 8pm, and Friday 9am – 4pm (UAE time). 
1. These services are provided by an independent third-party, Teladoc Health. 
2. The Mind Health service is accessible for eligible customers, granting six sessions with a psychologist per non-emergency mind health concern, per year.
3. AXA World of Work Mind Health Report 2020.
4. The Mind Health Service is available to all individual and SME members. Access to the Mind Health Service is available for all Large Corporate groups who have chosen the upgrade.