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What's new in our October 2021 review?

PUBLISHED: 19 August 2021 | LAST UPDATED: 19 June 2024

We regularly review our policies to make sure they meet the needs of our customers. From the 1st October 2021, there’ll be some enhancements to our plans, and changes to our handbooks that make it easier for customers to see what is and isn’t covered.

You’ll find an overview of the latest changes to plans arranged by AXA Global Healthcare (UK) Limited and/or AXA Global Healthcare (EU) Limited, below.

For more information, please refer to the relevant plan handbook. Handbooks are available to download from your toolkit.

What's new for October 2021?

Enhancing Standard plans with increased allowance

We're increasing the overall out-patient allowance for customers who've chosen the out-patient upgrade to the Standard level of our global health plans:

Existing limit New limit
£750 £1,000
$1,200 $1,600
€950 €1,275

Within this new limit we’ve added a benefit for out-patient drugs and dressings, up to £100/$160/€125 per year.

We’ve also added a benefit for a nurse to give intravenous antibiotics or chemotherapy for up to 14 days at home, rather than as an in-patient or day-patient.

This change is applicable to the out-patient upgrade on the Standard level of cover on our global health plans.

Extended cover for breast reconstruction following breast cancer

Members can now have up to two fat transfer operations within three years of their initial reconstructive surgery. We’ll also pay for a nipple reconstruction, alongside two sessions of tattooing. If a member’s implants are damaged by radiotherapy treatment, we’ll pay for their removal and exchange within five years of completing radiotherapy treatment.

This change is applicable across global health plans and Islands Health Plans.

New benefit for Virtual Doctor prescriptions

Customers with an Islands Health Plan can now claim up to £200 towards prescription costs following a consultation through the Virtual Doctor service.

This change is applicable across Islands Health Plans.

Cover for the treatment of HIV and AIDS

The exclusion for treatment of medical conditions arising from HIV infection has been removed. Treatment for these medical conditions will now be covered under the other benefits and limitations of our plans.

This change is applicable across all global health plans.

We’ve also made it clearer for members to see what is and isn’t covered by their plan

Cosmetic treatment, surgery or products

We’ve clarified the rules around cosmetic treatments and products. We don’t cover treatment that’s connected with the use of beauty products, or treatment that’s needed as a result of using a beauty product. 

This change is applicable across global health plans and Islands Health Plans.

Genetic testing

We’ve added new wording to our handbooks to clarify when genetic testing will be covered. 

This change is applicable across global health plans and Islands Health Plans.

GP fees for customers in the UK

If a customer with a global health plan sees a GP (or General Practitioner) in the UK, their fees are usually covered under the medical practitioner benefits. We’ve added new wording to our handbooks to make this clearer. 

This change is applicable across global health plans.

GP checks and administrative fees

We’ve made it clearer for customers to understand their GP fees benefit with new wording our handbooks. For customers with Premier or Ultimate levels of cover, we’ll cover the costs of checks carried out by their GP. However, we do not cover administrative costs – such as costs for writing prescriptions or sick notes.

This change is applicable across Premier and Ultimate levels of cover on our Islands Health Plans.

Treatment of HIV and AIDS

For customers with Prestige Plus plans, we’ve updated the handbook to remove the separate HIV/AIDS benefit, as treatment will now be covered under the other benefits and limitations of their plan.

This change is applicable across all global health plans.


We’ve updated our plan handbooks to clarify that we don’t cover orthotics.

This change is applicable across all global health plans.

Stem cell transplant

We’ve introduced new wording to our plan handbooks to make it easier for customers to understand the cover they have in the event a stem cell transplant is needed.

This change is applicable across all global health plans.


We’ve made it easier for customers to understand what cover they have for in-patient rehabilitation. We’ll cover eligible in-patient rehabilitation for up to 28 days per event.

This change is applicable across global health plans and Islands Health Plans.


We cover the cost of vitamins to be administered by injection or infusion in case of a confirmed vitamin deficiency that needs medical management. Our handbooks have now been updated to make this clearer.

This change is applicable across global health plans.

Weight loss treatment

We’ve updated our handbooks to better reflect that we don’t provide cover for weight loss treatment. 

This change is applicable across global health plans and Islands Health Plans.

Want to find out more?

For more information about what’s changed, refer to our plan handbooks. You’ll find them in your toolkit

The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing.