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What's changing for April 2022?

PUBLISHED: 14 February 2022 | LAST UPDATED: 19 June 2024

Here's a summary of the recent changes to our benefits and customer handbooks:

Cover for newborn babies

We're changing the way we offer cover for newborn babies.

Previously, a newborn could be added to your clients' policies on a Medical History Disregarded (MHD) basis, regardless of how long your client had been a member for. We'll continue to cover newborns on an MHD basis - however, if your client has held a policy for less and 10 months, we'll ask for details of the baby's medical history. This may lead to limitations being added to the baby's cover. For example, we may limit their cover for pre-existing conditions.

Please refer to the relevant plan handbook, or speak to your AXA representative for more details.

This change applies to all levels of cover across our global health plans and Islands Health Plans. This change applies to plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited, AXA Insurance dac, and XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Our handbooks have been improved to clarify which benefit cover for Chinese Herbal Medicine is paid under.

This change applies to Prestige Plus global health plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited, AXA Insurance dac, and XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.

Palliative care

Our handbooks have been improved to clarify the cover we'll provide to customers with a cancer diagnosis during palliative care.

This change applies to Foundation and Standard global health plans for individual customers, insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA Insurance dac, and XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.

Outpatient drugs and dressings

We've made it clearer for customers who've selected the outpatient optional upgrade with the Standard level of cover, to understand what cover we'll provide for drugs and dressings.

This change applies to Standard global health plans for individual customers, insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA Insurance dac, and XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.

Breast reconstruction

Customer handbooks have been updated to clarify the cover available for breast reconstruction. 

This change applies to all levels of cover across our global health plans and Islands Health Plans. This change applies to plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited, AXA Insurance dac, and XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.

Drugs and dressings

It's now clearer for customers to understand what we'll pay for under the drugs and dressings benefit on our Islands Health Plans. We'll cover drugs and dressings up to a limit of £200 per year, provided they've been prescribed through our Virtual Doctor service.

This change applies to all levels of cover on our Islands Health Plans, insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited.

Hospital at home

We've added new wording to customer handbooks to clarify where we'll cover nursing from home. A medical practitioner or nurse should agree the chosen location for treatment is appropriate.

This change applies to all levels of cover across our global health plans and Islands Health Plans. This change applies to plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited, AXA Insurance dac, and XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.


We've amended customer handbooks to make the limits for inpatient rehabilitation, clearer. 

This change applies to all levels of cover across our global health plans insured by AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited.


We've updated customer handbooks to better explain the circumstances in which we'll pay for vitamins. 

This change applies to all levels of cover across our global health plans, insured by AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited.


Visit your toolkit for the latest literature

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The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing.