Our product changes and updates for October 2024

PUBLISHED: 16 August 2024 | LAST UPDATED: 16 August 2024

To offer high-quality cover and support to your global clients, we review our products throughout the year. Last month, you may recall us sharing some key product changes and updates that were introduced on the 1 July 2024, including new outpatient upgrade options for individual clients.

We’re now pleased to share the key changes which will apply from 1 October 2024, along with some useful resources for you too.

For your clients 

Rules and benefit adjustments
The following changes outlined below are effective for all new and renewing policies from the 1 October 2024. More details are in the client’s membership handbook, or you can contact your AXA representative for more details. 

Updates for Island Health Plans
The following changes apply to plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited. 

Eligibility criteria for medical and dental practitioners in Jersey 
We’ve clarified which official registration bodies are applicable to medical or dental practitioners practicing in Jersey. All medical and dental practitioners to be eligible on our customer plans, they need to have full registration under the GMC (General Medical Council) Specialist Register and local registration with the Jersey Care Commission for the discipline in which they practice. With these changes in place, your clients can rest assured they’re receiving the best care from registered practitioners. 

This will now be specified in the membership handbook. 

For some benefits we don’t apply your clients’ excess
As with the global health plans if their policy has an excess, your clients don’t have to pay this excess if they claim for a cash benefit such as for: 

  • Out of directory cash benefit 
  • Out of directory scanning cash benefit
  • Cash payment if you have free chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
  • Cash benefit if you have free inpatient treatment in the UK or Channel Islands.
  • Wigs or other temporary head coverings during active treatment of cancer.
  • External prosthesis
  • Hospice donation
  • Maternity cash benefit
  • Health check
  • Dental care
  • Optical cover
  • Eye test

Further details can be found in their membership handbook. 

Updates across all global health plans and Island Health Plans

Cancer monitoring and diagnostics 
We’ve updated our policy wording making it clearer on what’s covered under the outpatient, day patient and inpatient overall limits for cancer consultations and diagnostic tests.*

Cancer consultations and diagnostic tests

  • Before cancer diagnosis - Paid from overall outpatient limit
  • After cancer diagnosis - Paid from overall day patient and inpatient limit
  • After completing active cancer treatment - Paid from overall outpatient limit

*Outpatient monitoring costs are not covered under Core Island Health Plans. If the client has not taken optional outpatient cover for Foundation and Standard global health plans, they will not receive cover as an outpatient for cancer consultations and diagnostic tests before a cancer diagnosis or after completing active cancer treatment.

Therapeutic vaccines exclusion
Therapeutic vaccines are a developing area of medical research. Unlike regular vaccines which prevent illnesses, therapeutic vaccines may be used as part of treatment of an existing medical condition, including cancer. These types of vaccines are excluded across all our cover plans.  

Further details can be found in their relevant membership handbook. 

These changes apply to plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA insurance dac, AXA XL Insurance Company UK Limited, Optimum Global Insurance Company Limited and AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited.

For your individual clients 

In case you missed it, below are the key product enhancement changes we introduced on global health plans for individual clients from the 1 July 2024. 

New Outpatient optional upgrade: Comprehensive
Choosing the right cover depends on your clients' personal circumstances so we now offer them even more flexibility to choose what suits them. 

That’s why we’ve introduced a new upgrade option to our Comprehensive plan to give your individual clients more choice with their global health plan. 

They now have the additional option of choosing one or a combination of the following optional upgrades. 

Comprehensive optional upgrade

  • Enhanced outpatient cover 
  • Upgraded dental cover

Click here for full details of cover on the Comprehensive plan. 

New Outpatient optional upgrades: Foundation and Standard
We’ve also added new outpatient upgrade options on our Foundation and Standard global health plans for individual clients.

Your clients can now choose Foundation or Standard cover with an optional upgrade for outpatient treatment – choosing an outpatient limit of £1,000 or £2,500.

Click here for full details of our levels of cover.

 These changes are effective for all new and renewing policies from 1 July 2024 and apply to all levels of cover across our global health plans. These changes apply to plans insured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited, AXA Insurance dac and AXA XL Insurance Company UK Limited. Further details can be found in the membership handbook.

If you’d like more information to help understand the key product changes and updates or need further help on finding the right solution for your clients, get in touch with your AXA representative today. They’ll be happy to help guide you through what these changes could mean for your clients.

The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing.