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Information required from your clients in Portugal

PUBLISHED: 20 September 2021 | LAST UPDATED: 19 June 2024

As the administrator of your client's policy with AXA Insurance dac, AXA - Global Healthcare (EU) Limited must follow the rules of local regulators. 

This year, a new requirement has been added by the Portuguese Tax authority, which means we need to collect the Tax Identification Number for customers with a principle country of residence of Portugal.

We'll soon be requesting information from your individual and business clients living in Portugal

We need to gather information for customers who, since January 2021, have been covered by a global health plan from AXA, and have a primary country of residence of Portugal. 

To do this, AXA – Global Healthcare (EU) Limited will be reaching out these policyholders by email over the coming weeks. 

The lead member will be asked to share the following information as soon as possible: 

  • Policy holder's full name and customer number
  • Tax Identification Number for Portuguese Authorities (referred to as NIF in Portugal)
  • Their Portuguese address, including postcode
  • The Portuguese territory they live in (for example, Azores, Madeira, or Central Portugal)

There's no action for you to take at this time

Once we have the details, we'll share them with AXA Insurance dac (who insure our plans), who'll then share them with the local Portuguese regulator, as required by law. 

This information will be requested on an ongoing basis, so we're working on a quick and easy way for you and your clients to send us the details in the future. 

For more information on how we process personal data, please visit our privacy notice.

If your client is unsure of what they need to do, we'll be happy to help

If you need more information about why we're asking for this information, or simply want to talk to someone about what your client needs to send and where, please get in touch.

The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing.

Please note: this message applies to plans arranged by AXA Global Healthcare (EU) Limited.