Two girls discussing on the work table

Creating a workplace that is fit for the future

PUBLISHED: 6 November 2023 | LAST UPDATED: 10 May 2024

These past few months, we've been gathering insights on core issues facing employers and employees alike. We were astounded to find that just working up to two hours extra presented a stark difference, with 17% of hybrid employees experiencing stress compared to 31% who are office-based. This further sparks the conversation on what’s best for overall well-being of employees?

Using insight gathered from over 7,000 corporate employees across 16 countries and territories, our new Mind Health Report 2023 explores what it takes to build a workplace that’s fit for the future and sustainable for decades to come. Ultimately, a workplace that makes mind health a priority and enables people to bring their best selves to work.

Explore the Mind Health Report here for more insights 

The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing.