Written by Caroline Walmsley
Global Head of HR, AXA - Global Healthcare.
Moving abroad is sure to be an exciting time, with hours – if not days – spent planning, preparing and looking forward to the move. Settling into a new working and living environment will inevitably come with its challenges, though. Being separated from the support provided by family and friends back home can take a particular toll on expats’ health and wellbeing. To add to this, if an expat is moving with a family, their own wellbeing almost certainly won’t come first.
These pressures can ultimately leave some expats more vulnerable to experiencing poor mental health. In fact, according to a U.S. study, over 50 per cent of the expats sampled were at a higher risk of internalising problems such as anxiety and depression. As such, many expats could be leaving home unprepared for the impact that life abroad can have on their mental wellbeing.
So, how can HR managers encourage wellness in their expat workforce? We’ve compiled a list of ideas to encourage a happy and healthy experience for all involved.